Rising Above

Is it okay for a photographer to have a favorite image? It seems a little unfair to the photographer’s other creations, kind of like a parent having a favorite child leaving the others to wonder what‘s wrong with the world.

Rising Above

If it is acceptable, then this is my favorite image (to date), and because it is my favorite image, I want to give it to you (while supplies last).  More on that in a bit.

This image speaks to optimism with the top of the iconic Margaret Hunt Bridge in Dallas breaking through the fog, portending a positive day ahead.

When I rolled out of bed long before dawn on the day I took this picture, I had planned to go to the Commerce Street Bridge and experiment with the crystal ball I had recently purchased.  It was another tool in my growing photography arsenal, and I wanted to see what I could do with it.  I was crestfallen when I got to the bridge and found a heavy fog filling the Trinity River bottoms.  I almost drove off to find a different location to take pictures while the fog dispersed.  But I saw enough of the lights of the Hunt Bridge to get me to walk halfway across the Commerce Street Bridge to see if I could get any pictures through the fog.  I am so happy I did.  This turned out to be a fruitful morning with multiple images of bridges and streetlamps and car lights interacting with the fog in dramatic ways.  In time I’ll show additional images from that morning.

This image is actually an award winner, having taken the grand prize in the 2019 Trinity River Conversancy photography contest.  Not that I’m one to toot my own horn. . . .

On the “I’ll give it to you” comment I made above – my philosophy is that an image, a photograph, isn’t complete until it is printed.  Yes, there are many amazing pictures that can be viewed online and I, like many, enjoy perusing the libraries of online images.  But, as with the images you see on srd.photo, those images are incomplete.  They don’t really exist.  They are begging to be fully realized by being printed.

I plan to offer some of my images to be purchased in printed and framed form.  I view this as completing the realization of those images, presented as my attempt at creating art.  Stay tuned if you are reading this early in the life of srd.photo.  I am in the process of setting up the framing workshop and deciding how to go about selling my prints.

In the meantime, I’m offering a free postcard-style print of “Rising Above.”  This is a while-supplies-last offer; for the time being, it’s limited to the USA (I need to figure out international postage rates).

All you need to do follow the directions on the “Free Print” page.  This will put you into my mailing list and will result in your receiving a free print through your friendly local postal service.