Little Red Truck

There are times when it’s not possible to head outdoors and rely on natural light for images like Golden Bridge, The Crown Jewel, Concrete and High Noon.  There are times when the image is made in a studio – or in my case, a makeshift studio/ guest bedroom – using flash or other forms of light.  The image Elegant Curves is an example of a studio lit image.

Little Red Truck
Little Red Truck

Photographers around the world face this ongoing challenge in dealing with restrictions associated with the novel coronavirus – COVID-19.

I consider being forced into the studio to practice photography a silver lining to an otherwise sad and difficult situation.  It has rekindled my interest in using flash.  This practice and patience but if I stay with the process then the results can be very satisfying.

This image is of a small cast-iron truck that was my father’s when he was young, putting its age somewhere around eight-five years old.  While I don’t remember seeing this specific toy when I was growing up, I do remember the excitement and awe I felt when I was given permission to go down in the basement and play with Dad’s trucks, boats and other metal toys stored in a trunk in the back of Grandpa’s workshop.  I remember how old the toys looked when I was a child.  They no longer look old but instead reflect the enjoyment multiple generations have had playing with them.

This is just one of a series of such images I’m working on, capturing those feelings of nostalgia I feel when I look through the collection I inherited when Dad passed away eighteen months ago.